Various ingredients can add spice, smoothness, warmth, and extra depth, which can all make your applesauce taste much richer.
E ggs are a staple for cooking and baking. But if you’re scrambling for a replacement, your kitchen is full of dupes, from ...
If spiced applesauce is desired, add pumpkin pie spice or cinnamon to taste before pureeing sauce. Using a potato masher, hand blender, food processor, or stand blender, puree softened fruit until ...
Since applesauce can be a little sweet, you may want to slightly reduce the amount of sugar in your recipe. A quarter cup of applesauce equals one egg. Vinegar and baking soda If your recipe calls ...
This simple, tangy apple sauce takes no time to make and freezes ... Use Bramley apples that will cook down to a fluffy sauce and taste as you go to get the right balance of sweet and tartness.