Whose document verification and physical ... for the general backward class and scheduled caste, while the minimum height for scheduled tribes should be 147 cm. The most important thing is that ...
More than 240 million people in South Asia live a precarious existence, shunned by much of society because of their ranks as untouchables or Dalits at the bottom of a rigid caste system.
Irrigation and civil supplies minister N. Uttam Kumar Reddy on Wednesday announced that the state government will place the ...
Marathas were allotted 10% reservation in public education at higher levels and employment. Why has the deadline for ...
The survey reveals that Scheduled Castes make up 17.43 per cent of Telangana's population, while Scheduled Tribes account for ...
After a person’s family, the caste commands an individual’s major loyalty. Indians still often identify themselves by the community they belong to and caste is still a factor in marriage selection. In ...