One of Jupiter’s biggest moons has the potential to harbour life in a subsurface sea. The nature of its core will provide ...
Then there's the question of what actually lies at Jupiter's core. Magnetic field data from the Juno spacecraft suggest that the planet's core is surprisingly large and seems to be made of a ...
Namely an ocean made of liquid hydrogen, caused by the pressure on the hydrogen that forms much of Jupiter’s atmosphere. And at the core of the gas planet? This remains to be determined.
The impact shook Jupiter to its core - literally. That's the finding of a new study from astronomers at Rice University and China's Sun Yat-sen University, which was published last week in the ...
Sixty-seven orbits of Jupiter. Two close-ups of its moon Europa ... indicating the presence of a liquid metallic component surrounding an iron core. That means it could be similar to Earth ...
That’s because Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune don’t have solid surfaces - they have a rocky core, but are mainly big balls of hydrogen and helium. This is a photo of Meridium Planum ...