Finally, cosmic rays can be useful in surprising other ways. For example, cosmic ray neutron sensors are being used to monitor soil moisture for more efficient farming and irrigation practices. Cosmic ...
"We would like to understand the difference between these systems, which holds the clue to understand just how many cosmic ...
Want to see cosmic rays? You might need a lot of expensive exotic gear. Nah. [The ActionLab] shows how a cup of coffee or cocoa can show you cosmic rays — or something — with just the right ...
"From Darwin to Singapore, for example, we have observed the effect of the sun on cosmic rays, which has given us unexpected ...
Especially the latter poses a great challenge for long-term space travel, and so people are working on various concepts to protect astronauts’ DNA from being smashed by cosmic rays. This has ...
In a recent study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, scientists from Los Alamos National ...
"The Voyagers have been deep space rock stars since launch, and we want to keep it that way as long as possible!" ...
Astronomers led by Stanford University and Harvard believe the "remarkable" cosmic explosion could either be the first X-ray burster ever discovered in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), a rare ...
Japanese researchers developed a system based on subatomic particles derived from high-energy cosmic rays to locate a person's position underground, something that existing navigation tools like ...
Their supernova simulation raised other questions because its cosmic rays likely bombarded Earth with enough intensity ... in very different ways,” Ramirez-Ruiz said. “This is an example of the beauty ...