T he sounds of barking elephant seals are again in the air along the breeding grounds of Península Valdés, Argentina—but it's quieter. Almost exactly a year after a massive outbreak of H5N1 ...
This audio recording is a natural threat call of a northern elephant seal followed by four modified signals (pulse rate slowed down by 0.15 Hz and 1 Hz, centroid of the frequency spectrum shifted ...
Friends of the Elephant Seal holds a contest every year to guess ... The threat can carry around 75 feet, over the background noise of wind and waves. I’ve heard bellows echoing farther than ...
The sound is hard to describe. It’s unlike anything else – a strange hybrid ruckus of honking, barking, burping, snorting and guttural grunting. Typically, an elephant seal docent is stationed ...
ROXANNE BELTRAN: It sounds so simple, but weighing a 500-kilogram elephant seal is a lot of work. You have to sedate the seal and then take five people to roll the seal into a sling to be ...