But actually, we’re surprised at the moment that we’re kind of okay.” To get advice on how to cope, they were joined by ...
According to a Census Bureau analysis of data from the 2014 Survey of Income and Program Participation, its most recent analysis available, the United States had roughly 22.5 million empty-nest ...
To manage this experience, often called empty nest syndrome, you may need some lifestyle changes or professional help. Share on Pinterest Brat Co/Stocksy United The post-parental stage — which ...
Ree Drummond and her husband Ladd Drummond are preparing for an "empty nest." On Wednesday, the Pioneer Woman, 53, shared a quick selfie with her husband, 53, on Instagram while taking an evening ...
It’s a bittersweet experience when your last child leaves home to go to college or get married. You may feel a certain sorrow, but also some relief and excitement. You are finally free of the ...