Ninety percent of natural disasters within the U.S. involve flooding, and Florida sits near the top of the list of states ...
This type of flooding takes up an entire area and could take some time to go away. River Flooding is the one we are way too familiar with after last September. This happens as overflowing rivers flood ...
You can find out if you live in a flood zone by using the FEMA interactive flood map. You can type in an address and check the map to see what kind of flood risk matches. Special Flood Hazard ...
Connecticut is very familiar with the different types of flooding. Devastating floods caused havoc in the western part of the state last summer.
CANTON—Federally-made maps that define flood zones in Canton do not cover some areas known to flood, town Code Enforcement ...
Revisions to FEMA's flood maps will remove 300 homes in Quincy from the flood zone. The change could save residents a combined $300,000 annually in flood insurance costs. The revised map ...
At a community outreach meeting in Palo Alto on April 20, residents of Menlo Park, Palo Alto and East Palo Alto learned that they might never escape FEMA’s flood zone designation, prompting ...