Propus de preÅŸedintele Băsescu la ÅŸefia Serviciului Român de InformaÅ£ii, senatorul PSD Cristian George Maior a explicat cum s-a ajuns la această propunere. El a spus că ar fi vorba de un ...
Ambasadorul Romaniei in Statele Unite ale Americii, George Cristian Maior, a transmis un mesaj de Ziua Nationala in care subliniaza ca Marea Unire de la 1 decembrie 1918 reprezinta evenimentul ...
The Romanian ambassador in Washington George Cristian Maior met with Mike Turner, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces, also the Chairman of the Congressional Romania Caucus in ...
He has raided, and vandalised, the websites and e-mails of generals, politicians, White House aides and the head of the Romanian Intelligence Service, George-Cristian Maior. Nobody seems quite ...
President Klaus Iohannis signed, on Monday, the decree for the accreditation of George Cristian Maior as extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of Romania in Yemen. George Maior has been head of ...
Actualul ambasador al României în Statele Unite ale Americii, fost director al Serviciului Român de InformaÈ›ii, George Cristian Maior, are asigurat un post de profesor universitar la Școala Superioară ...
George-Cristian Maior, who has held the post since 2015, spoke about the political and economic development Romania, an Eastern European country bounded by Ukraine and Bulgaria, has undertaken since ...
Romanian Ambassador to the US George Cristian Maior had a meeting on Wednesday with Dmitri Alperovitch, co-founder and CTO (Chief Techonology Officer) of CrowdStrike Inc., one of the most important ...