While the concept of a guard dog is not exactly new, these animals are closer to investments in security — many of the top-line pooches sell for upwards of $150,000. From Hollywood enclaves that ...
Frank the golden retriever went viral on TikTok for a clip a of the dog eagerly greeting a delivery driver, which is normal ...
A video of a canine's response to coming face to face with a FedEx driver proved to the owner why golden retrievers "can't be ...
Once again, there are a few different approaches that can be taken for starting a guard dog security service. The first approach is to supply guard dogs with security handlers, the second is to ...
AMAROK's Electric Guard Dog 30 Series Fence is a powerful and intimidating barrier that stops crime before it happens. Standing 10-feet tall with 30 electrical wires and 7,000 volts of pulsed ...
CPI’s exclusive training program provides high-net-worth clients with elite protection dogs that offer security without ...
It's not uncommon for dogs to resource guard food, toys ... overcome their dog's anxiety and to provide them with a sense of security. However, there are still steps that can be taken to ...