in the 2004 comedy Taxi. In the film, she leads a team of models in a series of successful bank robberies while co-stars Jimmy Fallon and Queen Latifah pursue them. An account on X (formerly known ...
Jimmy Fallon Reveals His Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Injury and Why It Won’t Stop His Appearance This Year (Exclusive) Gwen Stefani and Jimmy Fallon Reimagine 'Hollaback Girl' Using ...
Jimmy Fallon celebrates his decade-long stint as ... He left SNL in 2004, and starred in a number of films, including Taxi, Fever Pitch, and Whip It; however, none were particularly successful ...
Queen Latifah is a taxi driver that partners with a clumsy police officer, played by Jimmy Fallon, in bringing down female bank robbers led by the character of Bündchen. While the movie received ...