Recently, astronomers have been puzzled by an unknown type of cosmic radio signal. A new breakthrough has finally traced one ...
Astronomers have finally traced mysterious radio pulses in the Milky Way to a unique cosmic duo—a red dwarf and a white dwarf ...
The new Neutron rocket includes a "hippo" mouth fairing that deploys upper stages by spitting them out from inside.
A breakthrough simulation reveals how magnetars form and evolve, solving a key mystery about their magnetic origins.
Neutron stars can have a resounding impact around the universe. Scientists recently announced the first detection of gravitational waves created by two neutron stars smashing into each other.
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Simulations indicate that the low-mass star in the J0453+1559 binary system could be a neutron star rather than a white dwarf. The star's mass, 1.174 M ⊙, is ...
ESA’s Integral observed space for 22 years, uncovering gamma-ray bursts, black holes, and gravitational waves.
The Cherenkov Telescope Array just got a major boost for distributing its data, a development that will expedite scientific discovery using the observatory.