The video was first published by pro-Kremlin Telegram channel Pul N3, with the caption "Santa Claus ... in his sleigh. With the tune of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" playing in the background ...
depicts a 'Western' Santa Claus flying over a snowy Moscow while holding a Coca-Cola can and wishing Russian citizens a Merry Christmas. His sleigh carries missiles resembling NATO's Trident or ...
"I got to see Santa Claus riding in his sleigh amidst the festive lights and ... Gen Z and millennial workers have no clue what you’re talking about when you use these acronyms Dave Ramsey ...
He said that while it was “hard to tell” if it was him at first because of how dark it was, he has “no doubt” he saw Santa. The 27-year-old added that Santa Claus is one of his ...