The amount of seagrass in Sarasota Bay, a critical indicator of the health of the bay, has increased nearly 20% in the last ...
The BriefDuring an expedition to check on the health of seagrass beds in Sarasota Bay, scientists discovered positive ...
Published in the journal Ocean and Coastal Management, the research set out to establish the value of local ecological ...
Under the Large-scale Seagrass Mapping and Management Initiative , the seagrass mapping effort is now expanding to Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique and Madagascar, covering 2 million square kilometers ...
LaSMMI delivers more than just mapping -it is a comprehensive effort to enhance seagrass research and policy integration, with multiple key objectives: Creating a standardized, field-verified ...
When it comes to the seagrass beds that stretch across Florida’s largest open-water estuary, there’s some good news and bad news. The good news: For the first time in nearly a decade, Tampa ...
A new survey shows Tampa Bay supports the largest amount of seagrass since 2016. Grasses that feed fish and marine life went ...
New life is sprouting in the Indian River Lagoon with new seagrass beds growing after decades of dead zones in the waterway.