A super rare baby 'dancing' lemur has been born at a British zoo to the delight of keepers. The tiny baby has arrived at ...
To celebrate, Duke Lemur Center is asking people to donate a baby shower gift to the center. Food items like nut butter, ...
The silky sifaka ("she-fahk") is a case in point. One of the largest living lemurs, Propithecus diadema candidus has bushy white fur, a long white tail, and ghostly eyes. No one has ever ...
Chester Zoo is celebrating the birth of a baby Coquerel's sifaka. Also known as a 'dancing lemur', the species is one of the rarest primates in the world. Keepers say that both mother and baby are ...
England’s Chester Zoo welcomed a new arrival earlier this year when a Coquerel’s sifaka, known as a “dancing lemur,” was born on January 20. The baby lemur was born to parents Beatrice and Elliot, and ...
The Duke Lemur Center (DLC) in Durham announced a new addition to its family. Baby Coquerel sifaka Majorian was born on Dec. 19 to mother 10-year-old Lupicina. He was the third offspring of Lupicina ...
Zoo staff are celebrating the birth of a critically endangered Coqueral's sifaka, known as a dancing lemur. The tiny baby has arrived to parents Beatrice (12) and Elliot (12), bringing an end to a ...