Somehow, we all know how a warp drive works. You're in your spaceship and you need to get to another star. So you press a ...
His theory of special relativity stemmed from his desire to understand the nature of light and what would happen to objects ...
2409.04296, CC-BY 4.0) A counterintuitive result from Einstein’s special theory of relativity has finally been verified more than 65 years after it was predicted. The prediction states that objects ...
Einstein’s special relativity, which he formulated in his “miracle year” of 1905, was a theory that revolutionised our ideas of space and time – and ultimately paved the way for some even ...
Einstein’s special theory of relativity, published a hundred years ago, also revealed that energy and mass are two sides of the same coin, forever linked in his famed equation E = mc2.
After hours, he creates the special theory of relativity, in which he demonstrates that measurements of time and distance vary systematically as anything moves relative to anything else.
Einstein received the Nobel Prize for one of the other ideas, but the special theory of relativity has since become the most well-known, perhaps of his career or even the entire field of physics!
Kurt Hinterbichler reviews Claudia de Rham's first-hand and personal glimpse into the life of a theoretical physicist and the process of discovery.
It is an extension of Einstein’s special theory of relativity – but such a massive one that it took him 10 years, from 1905 to 1915, to get from one to the other. Special relativity tells us ...
Ten years before general relativity, Einstein came up with special relativity, which explained the relationship between space and time – and how they are related to each other. 'Special' means ...
Here are a few thought experiments that demonstrate some of Einstein's most groundbreaking discoveries, including his special and general theories of relativity. What would happen if you chased a ...