The Cure, Lost World
“My Beautiful Girl” follows another new song, “Lucy Takes a Picture,” Youth Lagoon shared in May (it was one of our Songs of ...
Something has evidently changed in the interim, and on the majestically desolate Songs of a Lost World, Smith is a musician ...
From their days as three imaginary boys scrappily dreaming up post-punk hits in the late Seventies, to becoming beloved veteran rockers crafting songs for a lost world, few outfits have had such a ...
The Cure have returned with what might be the most monumentally gloomy song ever conceived, a six minute sludge of icily ...
The album release show happens November 1 and Robert Smith tells 'Uncut,' “We’ll probably be playing quite regularly through ...
The Cure will perform their only live show in 2024 at Troxy in London, England. According to Robert Smith, tour dates won't drop until 2025.