The franchise's new prequel series Dexter: Original Sin premiered on Paramount+ with Showtime on Friday, December 13. It follows the 20-year-old version of Michael C. Hall's vigilante — played in this ...
Prequel series 'Original Sin' gives serial killer Dexter Morgan a new fate, and creator Clyde Phillips tells The Hollywood Reporter why: "The internet hated [the last ending]." ...
"When I met MichaelC. Hall at Comic-Con, I had to say, 'Thank you for being so great,'" Slater says. Patrick Wymore/Paramount+ with Showtime He makes sure to give credit to James Remar ...
“Paddy was sick and so he had to be on Zoom. And MichaelC. Hall was out of state, so he had to be on Zoom. All of us are sitting in this room with this huge TV with Michael and Paddy side by ...
Dexter: Original Sin is a prequel but it was a priority that MichaelC. Hall be involved after previously playing the prolific fictional serial killer. “He’s an executive producer on the show.