There war in the Middle East has so far had impacts limited to ratings of the countries involved in the conflict – Israel and ...
The expression “a tough nut to crack” is now commonly used to indicate a nuisance, a hindrance or in general difficult and ...
In a context complex macroeconomic and rapidly evolving, iThe insurance sector is among the top industries who – thanks to ...
For inflation means theprogressive increaseover time, of general average price levelresulting in a decrease in the purchase ...
The Ministry of Healthin its function of monitoring products that put health at risk, ha recalled a product dangerous. This ...
In terms of probabilities, “we believe that the presidential race remains uncertain, and that a divided Congress is also ...
The Vajont landslide, which occurred on October 9, 1963is perhaps the most tragic example of a natural disaster triggered by ...
Giorgio Pirani Economic-cultural journalist Professional journalist expert in current affairs, culture and economics. He ...
The European stock exchanges they all closed in negative territory on October 8, weighed down by international tensions and ...
The National Health Service he is the great sick man of Italy, with almost 4.5 million patients That they give ...
Credit: Google. Google is releasing new security features (announced during the last Google I/O event) aimed at protect ...
Can a plane really disappear into thin air? The history of flight MH370 of Malaysia Airlines is unfortunately an example ...