Glennie Kindred shares the power of the moon phases and how you can use the changing energy in your daily life.
Rosehips are the fruit of roses, which are members of the Rosaceae family, and have long been used for food, perfumery and medicine. Rosehips are used in many countries, being a rich source of ...
Sid Hill explores how we can improve our health by immersing ourselves in nature and eating from a garden that provides a diversity of gut microbes. Designing a New Garden Aranya shares how he used ...
Josh Davis is an outdoor educator and facilitator exploring ways we can learn from the natural world. He offers one on one coaching and consulting to help design your life from permaculture.
Patrick was an early pioneer of permaculture and teacher for many years. In the early 1990s permaculturists in the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere were mainly adapting Bill Mollison’s ideas from ...
Alisia completed her Chef training in 2003 and went on to study Gourmet Cooking & Catering. The course included learning about the sustainability and affordability of food in the catering industry.
Vera Greutink is a permaculture gardener, teacher and designer based in the Netherlands. She’s been gardening for over 30 years during which she has created many beautiful and productive gardens. Vera ...
Steve Nation is joint founder of Intuition in Service and is co-convenor of the Spiritual Caucus at the United Nations in New York.
Permaculture educator and founder of Managed Retreat, a bioregional magazine and project. James Piers Taylor's Website Follow James Piers Taylor on social media: ...
Nicole Vosper is a permaculture design diploma student and trainee teacher. Recent Posts How to Grow Fruit Trees in Small Spaces ...
Charles is a pioneer of organic and no dig growing since 1983, creating and cropping four market gardens, the largest of seven acres. His no dig method is being trialled and used by the RHS, National ...