Directed by Gia Coppola, “The Last Showgirl,” follows Shelly (Pamela Anderson) as a Las Vegas showgirl whose show, after 30 years of performing, abruptly closes — forcing her to forge a path for her future.
Staff writer Sage Rosenfeld praises “The Last Showgirl”’s incredible cast and emotional story in the gut-wrenching drama starring Pamela Anderson.
Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin , known for his award-winning storytelling, recently praised Pamala Anderson ’s performance in director Gia Coppola’s Las Vegas drama, The Last Showgirl , calling it “one of the finest performances of this or any year.
Starring Pamela Anderson, The Last Showgirl continues to do well at the box office despite no Academy Award nominations.
If you’re anything like us, right now you’re catching up on the deluge of exciting films that came out at the end of last year. While watching those
Review: 'The Last Showgirl' has a decent performance from Pamela Anderson and the main cast, but lacks in other respects.
Pamela portrayed Shelly Gardner, a middle-aged Las Vegas showgirl who discovers the revue she performed in for three decades is closing. The film is based on the unproduced play Body of Work by Kate Gersten, who adapted the screenplay.
When the Academy Award nominations were announced on Thursday morning, many were disappointed that Pamela Anderson was not among the names read, but the star actress of new film “The Last Showgirl” wasn’t one of them.
Doing the work is the win. That’s what I like to do, and I think we can lose sight of that sometimes in this whole crazy awards season,” said Pamela Anderson.
The nominations for the Oscars 2025 have been announced, and Pamela Anderson's performance in The Last Showgirl has not made the cut in the Best Actress category.
The Last Showgirl, directed by Gia Coppola, tells the story of a veteran dancer struggling to find a new purpose in the Vegas entertainment industry after the closing of Le Razzle Dazzle, a