The camera is the ghost in Steven Soderbergh’s chillingly effective, experiential haunted house drama “Presence.” ...
Steven Soderbergh’s new chiller takes place in one of the most troubled of all movie locations: an outwardly normal family ...
By confining the camera perspective to the viewpoint of its unseen ghost, director Steven Soderbergh scores with a crafty ...
The ending of Steven Soderbergh’s Presence explained, including the possible identity of the ghost in question.
The entire film is shot entirely from the ghost's point of view, the audience haunting a family that has recently moved into ...
Soderbergh's unique, creepy and moving ghost story will give you goosebumps - 4/5 The acclaimed director delivers a new spin ...
The menacing dark corner of a room. Hair standing up on the back of your neck. A whoosh of air past your arm. That uncanny sensation that just won’t quit. Plenty of us feel, at one time or another, ...