Bollywood’s favorite couple, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, made heads turn at a star-studded city wedding on January 17. While the undeniable chemistry flowed between them, Deepika’s ...
Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone dazzled at a family wedding in Mumbai. Making their first public appearance since welcoming a baby girl in September 2024, they stunned in traditional attire.
Khan, whose Pathan movie is releasing later this month, was asked to say one word for Deepika Padukone. "She is so nice it’s unbelievable...," he said. Deepika Padukone, who is also starring in ...
Deepika Padukone’s iconic movie looks are a testament ... Cocktail with her bold and fearless party style, Pathan with her rugged bold style and many more. How did Deepika’s fashion evolve ...