Fostul premier PSD Victor Ponta crede că România trebuie să se alăture „trenului schimbării, condus de Donald Trump și Elon ...
Dacă o fi dat? Oricum, s-a fudulit să apară cît mai aproape. Este același lucru cu încercarea lui Liviu Dragnea de a se lipi la Casa Albă cînd a izbutit să dea mîna cu Donald Trump în timp ce acesta ...
În esență, avocații au invocat celebrele „protocoale DNA-SRI”, declarate neconstituționale pe vremea când Liviu Dragnea era șeful PSD ... puși sub acuzare 26 dec. Citește mai multe Donald Trump spune ...
Conducerea PSD este preluată de Liviu Dragnea, după o confruntare cu Rovana Plumb ... în ciuda interdicțiilor UE 24 dec. Citește și alte știri noi Donald Trump anunță că va cere pedeapsa capitală ...
Economistul a comentat cu ironie că, indiferent de cine va veni la conducere – fie lideri globali precum Donald Trump sau Elon Musk ... cum ar fi Victor Ponta sau Liviu Dragnea, în efortul de a ...
Danish officials have emphasized that Greenland is not for sale. Donald Trump, Jr., son of President-elect Donald Trump, arrived in Greenland on Tuesday after emphasizing that the trip is just a ...
Inauguration Day, when President-elect Donald Trump will officially return to the White House, is just two weeks away. Trump will be sworn in on Monday, Jan. 20, in Washington, D.C. In two weeks ...
When Donald Trump takes the oath of office for the second time in two weeks, he will face a nearly impossible task of governing effectively. By far, Trump’s biggest challenge and obstacle to ...
President-elect Donald Trump can be sentenced Friday in his New York hush money case, the Supreme Court said in a 5-4 ruling. The high court on Thursday rejected Trump’s emergency request to ...
Empowered by his landslide electoral victory, Donald Trump has promised to revamp the US economic policy in a way that could majorly benefit a few favoured industries. He has also placed value on ...
Appearing in court virtually from his Mar-a-Lago home Friday, President-elect Donald Trump was sentenced for his crimes in the New York "hush money" case and released with no restrictions.
President-elect Donald Trump maintained in a social media post Friday that the New York hush money case should never have been brought against him, and he lashed out at the prosecutor who secured ...