Alyson Cook directs the play for Encore Theatre’s winter show, which opens Jan. 31 in Tulare. Ashton Shoenhair as Helena is ...
After Puck makes an error in carrying out Oberon's orders to use a love potion on the young lovers in the woods, a mix up occurs where the men start loving the wrong ...
Midsummer Night’s Dream? If Shakespeare wrote the play today ... Tricks and confusions Titania is given a love potion and falls in love with Bottom, who has been given the head of a donkey ...
Kings, queens, fairies, lovers, and sprites all collide in an enchanted forest one midsummer night proving that “the course of true love never did run smooth.” One of Shakespeare’s most ...
Kings, queens, fairies, lovers, and sprites all collide in an enchanted forest one midsummer night proving that “the course of true love never did run smooth.” One of Shakespeare’s most ...