Set in Syracuse, New York, in the mid ‘90s, Carmen Emmi’s debut feature revolves around a young cop assigned to a sting operation that forces him to confront his sexuality.
Outfits symbolize how far the player has come in Sea of Thieves, so it's vital they have a great set of clothes to show off their skills. While outfits in Sea of Thieves won't affect how successful ...
Prosthetics boss Pierre Olivier Persin, now an Oscar nominee for his work on Coralie Fargeat's buzzy body horror, speaks to ...
"I don't think you can pigeonhole queer characters because there's billions of these stories to tell." - Russell Tovey ...
Her Women’s Tales film, The Door —starring Gabrielle Union as the protagonist going through a breakup as her friends cheer ...
A Netflix exec talked about the company's progress in gaming and revealed that it's planning to launch party and couch co-op ...
Nashville, the heart of Tennessee, is known for its soulful tunes and honky-tonk vibes. But tucked away in this musical mecca ...
In the face of so much devastation, it seems trite to say any film is “the movie we need right now”, but One Of Them Days ...