The Swedish series is based on the true-crime book The Breakthrough: How the genealogist solved the double murder in ...
The drama tells the story of a cold case that went unsolved for 16 years and the arduous journey to finding the killer.
The drama tells the story of a cold case that went unsolved for 16 years and the arduous journey to finding the killer.
Newly released Swedish true crime drama The Breakthrough has become a hit on Netflix in the UK, entering the Top 10.
The Breakthrough, a Swedish true crime series about a 16-year-old double murder case, has been a hit with fans since it was ...
"The Breakthrough", the new Netflix series about real crimes, has viewers glued to the screen from start to finish.
The streaming platform released a gripping Swedish series earlier this week called The Breakthrough - and it's already proven ...
The Breakthrough on @netflix is a Swedish mini series based on a true story, reports the Mirror. "The show is about double murder and how DNA 20 years later solves the crime. I found it very good.
Netflix has teased the following: ‘The Breakthrough is a fictional story about the unexpected hero, an unlikely collaboration, and the hunt for a killer. But it is also a story about how an unsolved ...
Netflix’s The Breakthrough is a gripping crime drama inspired by the real-life double murder that shocked Sweden in 2004.
A new series about a notorious Swedish double murder that took 16 years to solve has just that problem. Opening Shot: A dad explains to his son how the hands of a watch move. The Gist: In October ...