However, the true story behind Santa Claus is a blend of myths, legends, and historical facts that have evolved over centuries. The figure of Santa Claus is deeply rooted in the traditions ...
"This story in particular, it really kind of humanised him for me and made him a far more interesting character than I think ...
Hearken to the true story of Nicholas ... jolly, European-looking Santa Claus.
“Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus, right down Santa Claus lane!” If NORAD had a holiday theme song, that would be it. If Google had a most popular searches list on Christmas ...
They explore the debauchery that used to characterize Christmas, and why elite New Yorkers in the early 1800s invented Santa Claus to quiet growing social unrest. As Tumin says, “The motivations ...
Saying something like, ‘Santa Claus has reindeer that fly’ is true within the context of the story of Santa Claus, similar to how saying, ‘Harry Potter is a wizard’ is true for that ...
Santa Claus is already hard at work, and NORAD is keeping track of where that "right jolly old elf" is right this second and this second and this second (you get the idea). When you have to ...
But have you ever wondered: Is Santa Claus real, and does he resemble the iconic image we know? For the first time, scientists have unveiled the face of Saint Nicholas of Myra, the historical ...