The gas xenon, like the other noble, or inert, gases, is known for doing very little. The class of elements, because of its ...
Inhaling xenon gas reduced neuroinflammation and brain atrophy while increasing protective neuronal states in mouse models of ...
Moreover, the 129 Xe NMR chemical shift is extremely sensitive to stereo-electronic perturbations of the 129 Xe atom, and xenon biosensors based on these phenomena are now under development.
NMDA antagonists have displayed neuroprotective properties against brain injury, hence, the discovery's generation of such interest in the potential use of xenon as a neuroprotective agent.
Xenon gas has previously seen use in medicine as an anaesthetic and a way to protect the brain while treating injuries to the ...
Future Neurology. 2009;14(4):483-492. Severe insults due to hypoxia or ischemia result in necrosis, followed by a process of delayed secondary injury in the penumbra zone – an area surrounding ...