"Alien: Earth" is a new TV prequel to the "Alien" franchise. It starts when a spaceship crashes on Earth with a xenomorph on ...
A NASA spacecraft has returned asteroid samples that hold not only the pristine building blocks for life but also the salty ...
Earlier this week we got a new teaser for Alien: Earth, an upcoming FX series set in the expansive sci-fi universe. It shows ...
An exoplanet is a planet outside our solar system that usually orbits a star in our galaxy. More than 7,000 have been found ...
NASA scientists found amino acids, key minerals, and nucleobases for DNA in samples from the OSIRIS-REx asteroid mission.
The official teaser trailer for Alien: Earth depicts a xenomorph frantically running in a ship hurling straight toward Earth.
Jan. 27 (UPI) -- FX has released a new teaser for the Alien: Earth series. In the clip, titled "Destination," viewers see the ...
As its summer release inches closer, the new FX series Alien: Earth will drop new assets and interviews teasing what’s ahead.
Samples from asteroid Bennu have delivered insights into the origins of Earth’s water and the organic molecules that may have ...
A U.S. scientist searching for a civilization across 7 Earth clones circling the red dwarf star TRAPPIST-1 says its own alien ...
Alien: Earth sees a mysterious space vessel (the one we now see in the promo) crash-land on Earth, with a young woman (Sydney Chandler) and a ragtag group of tactical soldiers making “a fateful ...