In Meerut, police killed Naeem Baba, a criminal with a ₹50,000 bounty, in an encounter. Naeem, accused of murdering five members of his stepbrother's family in Suhail Garden, was located near Lisari ...
The body of the teen identified as Nauman was found from an abandoned government community hall, which was in dilapidated condition, in Meerut's Khushal Nagar area.
Noida: Police arrested four people suspected to be part of a gang of two-wheeler thieves from Meerut. Two of the thieves ...
A criminal wanted for the murder of a family of five in the area of Lisari Gate police station in Meerut was killed by Police ...
Naeem Baba carried a bounty of Rs 50,000 on his head in connection with the killings of the step brother, his wife and their ...
A man accused of killing his stepbrother's family and evading capture with a Rs 50,000 bounty was fatally shot in a police ...
Naeem was prime suspect in gruesome murder of his stepbrother, his wife and their three children at the latter's residence on ...
A budget hospitality booking platform in India is receiving criticism for its “new check-in directives” that state hotels in ...
Marino, the flagship brand of Meerut Gym and Gymnastic Works, Unveils a New Range of Eco-Friendly Fitness Equipment Delhi, ...
MEERUT: A man who is the prime suspect in the murder of five of his family members and carrying a reward of Rs 50,000 on his ...