Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are taking on stricter border stances in the 2024 presidential election. A top Democrat and a ...
四環醫藥(00460)公布,計劃於12個月內在市場購回總額不超過5億元股份,當中包括今年上半年購回的約536萬元股份。 四環醫藥股價今早曾炒高41.7%,高見1.02元;現升25%,報0.9元,成交5880萬元。
【Now財經台】亨達財富管理董事總經理姚浩然推介阿里巴巴 (09988) 推介原因:-機構性投資者持有高beta股份比例低-累積大量淡倉,機構投資者補貨下,股價仍有上升空間建議買入價:112元目標價:128元止蝕價:104元 ...
華泰證券發表報告表示,9月下旬以來,因為美聯儲局減息、內地貨幣政策組合拳、9月政治局會議等因素的提振下,港股大盤表現和交投活躍度迅速大幅提升,單日成交額最高逾5,000億元,創港股單日成交額歷史新高,第三季的日均成交額由最低的950億元(8月28日)升至1,188億元(9月30日)。該行估計,全年日均成交額每上升50億元,將推動港交所(00388.HK)利潤升約2.2%。 該行指,高漲的交投活躍度 ...
Aussie workers would "never dream" of texting their boss when they were sick in the past. But, for better or worse, times ...
隨著利率下調,新盤如雨後春筍般湧現,上周末兩項全新樓盤銷情火熱。元朗的尚柏在昨天發售98伙,當天即售出96%;啟德的天璽‧天第1期上周六推出首輪204伙,亦於當日售罄,大手掃貨情況頻見,推動周末一手樓盤交易量激增至466宗,創下近半年來的最高記錄。與 ...
Despite the Singapore stock market hovering near record highs, recession indicators are emerging as companies report that ...
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission on Sunday allowed Elon Musk's SpaceX and T Mobile to enable Starlink satellites ...
Trading in Asia kicks off on Monday with the global macro and market landscape suddenly appearing very different from how it ...
Arcadium Lithium plc (NYSE: ALTM, ASX: LTM, "Arcadium Lithium") today confirmed that it has been approached by Rio Tinto ...
The engineering giant is on a path to improving over time, but execution and strategy will be key to its success. The post ST ...