Did you know October 11th is National Coming Out Day? "Coming out" to family, friends, or peers about one's sexual orientation and/or gender identify/expression can be a unique experience that varies ...
Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea), also known as 'Creeping Charlie', 'Creeping Jenny' and 'Gill-Overthe-Ground', is a common perennial, evergreen weed found throughout New Jersey. It thrives in shady, ...
Deborah Smith-Fiola, Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, Ocean County George Hamilton, Extension Specialist in Pest Management, Rutgers University James Lashomb, Extension Specialist in ...
Horses are non-ruminant herbivores and hind-gut fermenters. Their small stomach only has a capacity of 2 to 4 gallons for an average-sized 1,000-lb. horse. This limits the amount of feed a horse can ...
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We're sorry, but we did not find that person in our records.
When riding on multi-use trails, everyone needs to be aware of not only safety concerns for the rider and the horse but also show courtesy for other trail users on multi-use trails. All safety ...
With all the things that keep us busy it can be hard to focus on tasks to be productive. Join us to discuss ways to help reduce our stress and increase productivity.
Join us to celebrate National Women's Health and Fitness Day. Learn about the top health issues impacting women and how you can prioritize your wellness to achieve better health.
Of the approximately 359 known species of hummingbird throughout the Americas, only one breeds in eastern North America. The ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris; Figure 1) is regularly ...
While cockroaches can range widely in size and appearance, they all share a number of physical characteristics that make them recognizable as a cockroach. These include: oval shape, long “thread-like” ...