SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced today that he is suing TikTok for putting profits before the well-being of millions of its most vulnerable users by creating a platform that is ...
Click on the dropdown boxes below for "General Information and Instructions." To take online training, scroll down to "Open Government Training Curriculum & Resources." For sample documentation, ...
State law prohibits the Attorney General, deputy attorneys general, and assistant attorneys general from engaging in the private practice of law. This means that they cannot represent private citizens ...
We offer an informal complaint resolution service to Washington state residents, and to consumers with complaints about businesses located in Washington state. Through this process, we contact ...
INSANE PERSONS - FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF PARENT FOR ADULT CHILD COMMITTED TO INSTITUTION. A parent may be required to pay the charges for hospitalization of an adult child where the estate of the ...
Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of September 26, 1950, in which you ask the following questions: "1. May a municipal corporation (Kirkland) which has failed to have itself excluded from a ...
Where a vacancy exists by failure of any candidate to file for an office, a state or county central committee, as the case may be, may fill the vacancy by majority vote of a quorum of the whole ...
Officers of the National Guard may not waive in advance the annual uniform allowance due them and such waiver would not preclude a later claim for such amount, but after uniform allowances become due ...