Edward of Westminster, or Edward of Lancaster, as he is sometimes known, the only son of King Henry VI and Queen Margaret of Anjou was born at the Palace of Westminster, London on 13 October, 1453. At ...
England under King Edward III was engaged in the long struggle with France known as the Hundred Years' War, following King Edward's victory over the French at Crecy in August 1346, the English set ...
Henry III, the eldest son of King John and Isabella of Angouleme was born on 1st October 1207 at Winchester. A grandson of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine, he was also the great-great-grandson of ...
George II was born at Schloss Herrenhausen, Hanover, on 10th November 1683. He was to be the only son of George, Prince of Brunswick-Luneberg (later George I of Great Britain and his first cousin ...
The future King Richard II was born at the Archbishop's Palace, Bordeaux, Aquitaine, at Epiphany, on 6th January 1367. The product of a first cousin marriage, he was the son of Edward III's eldest son ...
Germanic tribes migrated to Britain after the departure of the Roman legions, which was then occupied by Brythonic Celtic peoples. Many of the Celts were killed, others were taken prisoner and forced ...
Edmund I, known as 'the Elder' or the Magnificent, was born circa 921, the son of King Edward the Elder and his third wife Edgiva. As a sixteen year old, he had fought with distinction beside his ...
Following his conquest of Wales, Edward I built a formidable iron ring of castles, a days march from apart, to defend his acquisitions from Welsh rebellion. After Edward's first Welsh campaign when he ...
Maud of Huntingdon was the daughter of Waltheof, Earl of Huntingdon and Northampton. The last of the Anglo-Saxon earls to remain powerful after the Norman conquest of England in 1066, Waltheof was the ...
Hengist (also spelt Hengest) and Horsa (Hors), the legendary leaders of the first Anglo-Saxon invaders of Britain arrived as mercenaries to fight the Picts and Scots at the invitation of the Celtic ...
The Battle of Bosworth was fought on 22nd August 1485. One of the most significant battles ever to be fought on English soil sounded the death knell of the House of Plantagenet. The battle was fought ...
Egbert, in Old English Ecgbehrt, the first King of all England, was born around 770-780. He was the son of Ealhmund, King of Kent, who is mentioned in a charter of 784. Ealhmund was himself the son of ...