SBA's soft furniture manufacturer, Kauno Baldai, sold EUR 20.2 million in the first nine months of this year, 4% more than in ...
The increased ability of buyers in the economic segment to secure financing for new housing has largely driven the growth in ...
According to the survey, which took place on 6–20 August, 54% of the respondents favourably evaluated the leader of the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania (LSDP), which is currently leading in the ...
She said that although the Social Democrats continue to have a convincing lead in the latest publicly available ratings, ...
A good day in every sense. I have voted, and I strongly encourage people to come and vote. Don't give in to political apathy.
Regarding the number of participants, this year's initiative, „Kopoms Reikia Tavęs!“ is a record-breaker with around 500 ...
I did not hear a direct wish, but a belief that the Freedom Party will be important in the next Seimas – whether in the ...
Undoubtedly, I think that the Liberal Movement is a political force with which we could certainly find a common language, and ...
Jurgita Radzevičė, Head of SBA Home, which unites 4 SBA furniture manufacturing companies in Lithuania, describes the planned investment: „An investment in a Lithuanian capital factory in the USA is a ...
Visos teisės saugomos. © 2024 UAB „Lrytas“. Kopijuoti, dauginti, platinti galima tik gavus raštišką UAB „Lrytas“ sutikimą.
Lietuvos miestai jau vienas po kito pradeda šildymo sezoną. Ką gyventojai turėtų žinoti apie šildymo sezono pradžią, kokia ...
„Praėjusią savaitę išgirdome rimtą problemą, kad Ligonių kasa atsisako finansuoti naujų specialistų darbą. Sveikatos apsaugos ...