Meta’s new content moderation policies remove hate speech protections for marginalized communities in contravention of its ...
Las nuevas políticas de moderación de contenidos de Meta eliminan las protecciones contra el discurso del odio para las comunidades marginadas, contraviniendo sus propios compromisos en materia de der ...
Movements for climate justice and movements for reparations for colonial harms can reinforce each other. Haiti’s climate ...
Rights defenders must actively shape the discussion to mitigate the adverse human and environmental impacts of AI, particularly on the Global South. The transformative potential of artificial ...
In the face of the environmental crisis, theater can give young people access to Indigenous and ancestral knowledge and equip them for the fight for racial, social, and climate justice. Following the ...
Aloysia Sonnet is a lawyer specializing in human rights who works as a full-time member of Meg Satterthwaite’s team at NYU School of Law. She also takes on strategic litigation cases when her schedule ...
Mexico’s reform proposes to democratize the judiciary. However, selection by popular ballot will likely undermine judicial independence and threaten human rights. An independent judiciary is essential ...
Sienna Merope-Synge is the co-director of the Caribbean Climate Justice Initiative and the director of the Indigenous Land Rights and Earth Defense Project in the Global Justice Clinic at NYU Law.
Heather Ashby is an independent researcher and consultant. She previously served as the associate director of the United States Institute of Peace’s program on disruptive technologies and artificial ...