Below you can find the full list of all confirmed events for Pokémon TCG Pocket ’s Space-time Smackdown expansion. Each event runs for the dates listed until the servers reset at 10:00 p.m. PST / 1:00 ...
Pokémon TCG Pocket's Space-Time Smackdown Emblem event offers a host of rewards for players willing to face off against other ...
In this guide, we’ve listed all cards — and their inclusion rates — in Pokemon TCG Pocket’s Space-Time Smackdown set.
Space-Time Smackdown in Pokémon TCG Pocket focuses on the Sinnoh region, with cards split into two packs: Palkia and Dialga.
Pokemon TCG Pocket's release of the Space-Time Smackdown expansion may seem to be the end of an era for the game, but players ...
Pokémon TCG Pocket's latest expansion, Space-Time Smackdown, is out now, bringing with it over 200 new cards to collect and ...
Pokémon TCG Pocket's next expansion is Space-Time Smackdown, adding new cards and highly-anticipated features on January 30, ...
The Space-Time Smackdown Emblem Event will get Pokemon TCG Pocket plenty of incredible rewards, including Pack Hourglasses and Shinedust.
Fuelled by the combined forces of Darkrai and Druddigon, this chip damage Pokémon TCG Pocket deck is a real nightmare for an ...
The Space-Time Smackdown Emblem Event in Pokemon TCG Pocket adds new challenges to complete and rewards to earn.
Pokemon TCG Pocket's Space-Time Smackdown set includes a wide variety of new card types, but one in particular gets a major ...
Here are just some of the best and strongest cards you can get for your battle decks from the Space-Time Smackdown Dialga and Palkia set in Pokémon TCG Pocket.