"The Pitt" is a medical drama from the studio behind "ER," the producer behind "ER," and centered on one of the signature ...
"The Pitt" on Max, starring Noah Wyle, and "Doc" on Fox, starring Molly Parker, offer different takes on hospital-set drama.
In a study published today in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, Fred Hutch Cancer Center cancer chemical biologist ...
Consider this example both an enticement and a warning. Created by ER alum R. Scott Gemmill, The Pitt takes a ruthlessly ...
PITTSBURGH — Pitt has named a new dean to the School of Law. Professor and Vice Dean Jerry Dickinson will take the position ...
Noah Wyle leads 'The Pitt,' a new hospital drama from "E.R." producers about a particularly grueling 15-hour shift — that ...
The Louisville basketball program has been rejuvenated after several years of struggles. This past offseason, the Cardinals hired former College of Charleston head coach Pat Kelsey, an excellent, ...
The Pitt is a new medical drama from the team that made ER, and starring one of the leads of that show, Noah Wyle.
Divorces in Hollywood often attract immense public scrutiny, especially when high-profile celebrities are involved. While some separations are amicable, others turn into public spectacles with ...
The platonic Angeleno might not be auditioning for the role of Britain's most famous superspy, but his low-key Sunspel ...
The 'Boardwalk Empire' actors teamed up for the story of a boxer whose ultimate fight happens outside the ring.
Formerly The Discovery Channel, those in Canada will be able to watch The Pitt on the USA Network, which comes as a part of most cable packages under Bell Media. Episodes will air at 10pm ET / 7pm PT ...