The series, a sports drama thriller, is created by Jemina Jokisalo, behind ‘Money Shot,’ a 2024 Canneseries winner.
Florence Pugh, acclaimed for her role as Dani in the 2019 horror film “Midsommar,” recently disclosed the profound emotional ...
No show on television today has captured the modern Black millennial experience quite like the hit HBO series. Starring Rae as Issa Dee, Yvonne Orji as the neurotic Molly, Natasha Rothwell as the ...
Netflix's latest breakout offering The Breakthrough, is a show that at launch almost immediately entered the TV show's top chart of the platform's offerings.
Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner join forces once more in new MCU art that imagines the original Avengers returning as ...
"The Breakthrough", the new Netflix series about real crimes, has viewers glued to the screen from start to finish.
The drama tells the story of a cold case that went unsolved for 16 years and the arduous journey to finding the killer.
Another said: 'We just finished E2 of the four episode Swedish true crime TV mini-series "The Breakthrough", via Netflix, and it is the good stuff. Strongly recommended.' A third added ...
The Food and Drug Administration is ordering food and drug makers to remove a dye called Red 3 from the products U.S.
In 1824, according to the ambiguously titled, cheerfully horrifying “Get Away,” the Swedish island of Svälta was quarantined in response to a deadly pandemic, a lockdown that was left in ...