The sound comes from the popular, adult anime-inspired series The Boondocks. The Adult Swim animated series, which aired between 2005 and 2014, focused on the Black American family, the Freemans, as ...
Cochise County Sheriff's Deputies are searching for an endangered 14-year-old boy in Benson on West Flower Drive.
Alina Rhoades, 15, was last seen around 10 a.m. wearing a grey hoodie and black leggings carrying a tan tote bag and black ...
Hawai'i Island police are searching for 34-year-old missing man Simon Varela from Ka‘ū, last seen December 15 in a rusted ...
The Nevada County Sheriff’s Office, in partnership with the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and Nevada County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue are conducting a search in the vicinity of Hoyt’s Crossing ...
A Silver Alert has been issued for a Two Rivers woman. Police say 69-year-old Denise Laflam was picked up from a hotel in Saukville by Uber at 11:08 a.m. Monday, Jan. 13.
Rodriguez, who has been working as a makeup artist for 6 years, believes that the bride went about the situation the wrong ...
Two women have gone viral for sharing their thoughts on the term after reclaiming their natural color. Bunny Hedaya, 34, an influencer and content creator, had blond hair as a young child, but it ...
Avon and Somerset Police said it is “growing concerned” for the welfare of three teenage siblings who have not been seen ...
A Silver Alert was issued for a missing 69-year-old woman, Denise Laflam, on Tuesday, Jan. 14. She was picked up from a hotel ...
The Hawaii Island Police Department is asking for the public’s help in finding a missing 34-year-old man from Ka’u.