A new study examines how much material from the closest star system to Earth will end up in orbit around the Sun, and how ...
For decades, scientists believed that intelligent life was a rare cosmic accident. A new study challenges that idea, arguing ...
Roughly 300,000 years ago, our species first appeared on the African landscape before spreading globally and coming to ...
Among the roughly 10 billion white dwarf stars in the Milky Way galaxy, a greater number than previously expected could ...
Among the roughly 10 billion white dwarf stars in the Milky Way galaxy, a greater number than previously expected could ...
Dark oxygen, a newly identified form of oxygen, raises questions about life in extreme environments and its implications for ...
Is Earth really exceptional?  A new book seems to reaffirm that notion.  But given the right conditions, primitive life may be a mere byproduct of biophysics.
SETI scientists try to determine whether aliens at a similar technology level to humans could detect Earth and from how far ...
Just as modern telescopes reveal the hidden structure of nebulae and star clusters, understanding the physics behind twilight ...