Set in 1988, five friends navigate life and relationships in a close-knit neighborhood, with a central love triangle involving Deok-sun and her two male friends. A field reporter, a prosecutor ...
She indicated that Max, whose West African family claimed royal lineage in the country now called Benin, was the love of her life. In “The New Internationals,” Mr. Faladé unpacks his tangled ...
Yet, somehow, despite all that love, the relationship began to fade. You find yourself looking back, wondering what went wrong, and struggling to find closure. Love is indeed powerful, but it’s ...
By Jim Asker Morgan Wallen earns his 16th No. 1 on Billboard’s Country Airplay chart as “Love Somebody” lifts a spot to the top of the tally dated Feb. 1. The song, which he co-wrote ...
"And I'm kind of from the school of warts and all. Like, I love seeing the warts. I love seeing the pimples, the mistakes. To me, that's the human touch. And I think people need to trust that more.