Netflix’s Klaus is a modern animated masterpiece that reimagines the origins of Santa Claus with a fresh and poignant twist. Released in 2019, this film combines traditional animation with a ...
Klaus is an animated holiday movie that tells the origin story of Santa Claus. Directed by Sergio Pablos, the creator of Despicable Me, the Netflix original blends traditional animation with a ...
Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, right, shakes hands with government coalition leaders as Prime Minister designate Marcel Ciolacu, left, walks after being nominated to form the new government in ...
group text, so you know exactly what level of glam to strive for. Think of it as that sweet spot between casual and black-tie—formal, but not too formal. We're talking mini and midi dresses that ...
AGERPRES special correspondent Oana Ghita reports: The last thing Romania needs is an extended government and parliamentary crisis, President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday. He pointed out that ...
Speaking about the reasons that led to the annulment of the presidential elections in Romania, president Klaus Iohannis invoked a "subtle and complex" foreign intervention and admitted that there ...
President Klaus Iohannis addressed the political crisis in Romania following the announcement that the Social Democratic Party (PSD) would withdraw from negotiations to form a new government.