Netflix’s Klaus is a modern animated masterpiece that reimagines the origins of Santa Claus with a fresh and poignant twist. Released in 2019, this film combines traditional animation with a ...
Not only has President Volodymyr Zelensky reportedly decided to run for a second term, but he is also gathering his team around him, and they are preparing some changes. Unnamed sources say that ...
Victor Ponta a lansat duminică seară o serie de critici la adresa președintelui Klaus Iohannis, sugerând că acesta ar fi trebuit să renunțe la funcția de președinte încă de la instalarea noului ...
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Romanians angered by the cancellation of a presidential election marched through Bucharest on Sunday to demand that the ballot should go ahead and that ...
Zelensky also shared photos of the captives and the military ID of one soldier. He acknowledged the challenge of the capture, saying that Russian and DPRK troops often finish off their wounded ...
Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis îi felicită pe toţi cei care au contribuit la includerea României în Programul Visa Waiver şi apreciază că această reuşită va determina dezvoltarea şi mai dinamică a ...
Președintele Klaus Iohannis a transmis, vineri, după ridicarea vizelor pentru SUA, că această decizie „va determina dezvoltarea și mai dinamică a relațiilor noastre bilaterale”. „România îndeplinește, ...
Presedintele USR, Elena Lasconi, a afirmat ca presedintele PSD, Marcel Ciolacu si presedintele Romaniei, Klaus Iohannis, se joaca de ceva vreme cu democratia din Romania si a adaugat ca nu interesul ...
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has revealed that on the second or third day of Russia's full-scale invasion, self-proclaimed Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko apologised in a phone call for the ...
Analysts said that the Ukrainian offensive may be a final gamble by Volodymyr Zelensky, the president, ahead of potential peace talks once Donald Trump is inaugurated as US president on Jan. 20.
Speaking during his nightly video address on Saturday, Mr Zelensky cited reports from top Ukrainian commander Oleksandr Syrskyi, saying battles near the village of Makhnovka, close to the ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Saturday that Russian and North Korean forces suffered heavy losses in fighting in Russia’s southern Kursk region. Ukrainian and Western ...