Are you a bit territorial about a project or maybe something you've dedicated a lot of time or energy to? When you feel like you no longer have the final decision in matters, it may bring out that ...
You have closed the wounds in your heart from a prior heartache and learned that the best things in life are ahead of you. It can be strange to think that someone you once loved so much no longer ...
It's time to do something extraordinary, Libra. Set a high goal that is achievable through small steps. When you reach milestones, what will you do to reward yourself? Get the support you need ...
What are you waiting for? You can put your personal projects on hold, but only for so long. You may be hoping in vain that a situation or person will change. What if it doesn't? Today, be ...
What fuels your inner courage, Aquarius? Do you draw your strength from friendships or people you admire from afar? Who are your role models? What gives you the desire to keep going forward ...
Whatever you set your mind to do, you may find it easy to achieve today. If you have a new hobby you want to explore or a personal goal that can move your career forward, start taking action this ...
You know overspending causes financial problems, but if you need a reminder, this is it. Be cautious about how much you spend at stores or online seeing deals. Keep tabs on your budget. Do you ...
You haven't been afraid of many things lately. It could be past experiences have taught you to face fears head-on and watch how life seems to go forward without any real problems. That level of ...
You are a tough one, Taurus. When handling problems with grace and tact, that's you. You may face a few challenges today; however, you're ready for them. You have a strong mindset and a ...
Are you an empath? You may sense someone's negative energy today in a way that throws off your positive vibe. What can you do to avoid losing your groove during moments of disruption? What do ...
A scheduling conflict could pose a financial hardship. So, if you have to work but also need to do something else, what creative solution can you come up with? You may find it easier to ...
What tempts you? Are you trying to diet or hit an exercise goal? Maybe you have a habit you want to break, but you keep finding reasons to slide into old patterns. You may be working hard on ...