We bring you the list of the final performances from the last week of Margazhi @Medai. January 10, Friday 6 pm: Adhyañtara — The Journey of a Goddess by Ragini Iyer and Rakshita Raghunathan 7 ...
Spearheaded by Medai – The Stage Bengaluru, the margazhi festival was brought to Bengaluru last year and already has quite the loyal following. Medai is a state-of-the-art black box theatre in ...
MedAI is a Flask application that utilizes AI algorithms to detect skin diseases and provide treatment susceptibility for patients. It offers an intelligent system that analyzes patient data and ...
He takes up a risky challenge to make the night belt highest rated belt of the day and proposes a bold and daring series named Marma Medai to bring in the ratings. The night belt starts becoming more ...
--- This section provides the clinical features of the testing cases (Clinical data.csv), among which age, T stage and N stage were the important factors we have identified using univariate and ...