Produced by R M Veerappan for Sathya Movies, ‘Baashha’, which was directed by Suresh Krissna, released in the year 1995. To celebrate the iconic film completing 30 years of its release and to mark ...
Directed by Suresh Krissna and produced by R M Veerappan under the banner of Sathya Movies, Baashha originally hit theaters in 1995 and became an industry-defining blockbuster. The film is being ...
Bankrolled by R M Veerappan under Sathya Movies, Baashha, directed by Suresh Krissna, originally hit the screens in 1995. The re-released version will feature exceptional technical upgrades, including ...
Produced by R M Veerappan for Sathya Movies, ‘Baashha’, which was directed by Suresh Krissna, released in the year 1995. To celebrate the iconic film completing 30 years of its release and to mark ...
Rajinikanth’s landmark film Baashha is set to make a grand comeback on the big screen, this time with cutting-edge 4K resolution and Dolby Atmos sound. Presented by Sathya Movies, this re-release ...
Produced by R M Veerappan for Sathya Movies, 'Baashha', which was directed by Suresh Krissna, released in the year 1995. To celebrate the iconic film completing 30 years of its release and to mark ...