In a tragic turn of events, a man killed his mother and four sisters at a hotel Lucknow today, police said, stating that the ...
To manage surge in tourists visiting the Taj Mahal on the New Year, the Agra police have taken a slew of measures which include deployment of a quick response team near the premises of the monument, ...
Accused Arshad was arrested for killing mother and 4 sisters after some family dispute. UP police arrested him from the crime ...
A horrific incident has come to light at Hotel Sharanjit in Lucknow, where the accused Arshad (age 24) has killed five ...
Choosing the perfect time to visit Agra depends on what you're looking for in terms of weather, the number of people around, ...
Lucknow: Five members of a family were found murdered inside a hotel here early Wednesday, police said. The accused has been ...
A 24-year-old man in Lucknow, India, murdered his mother and four sisters at a hotel. Police arrested him; investigation ...
In a shocking New Year's Day incident, a 24-year-old man allegedly murdered his mother and four sisters at Hotel Sharan Jeet ...
Arshad was arrested after he allegedly murdered his mother along with his four sisters over a family dispute on New Year's Eve.
Pilibhit: Retired officer Colonel PS Bindra, known for his innovative work in agriculture and environmental conservation, was honored with the ‘Vetera.
Pilibhit: The Pilibhit Tiger Reserve (PTR) recorded seven human deaths this year due to tigers straying into nearby ...