The special education system is rigged against parents. It’s not your imagination. It is not an even playing field. Lately, I’ve been feeling very deflated. I have written to several people I know in ...
Would your child enjoy a free mailed letter from Santa? Who wouldn’t? A letter from Santa can be so fun to receive. And, here’s a secret. It can be a great way to set expectations for your child as ...
I’ll admit, when Elf first came out, I loved him. Then I hated him. Well, not him, but I hated how competitive it was on social media. Seemed like every mom was trying to outdo all her friends with ...
I am so done with candy. I feel like from Halloween to Easter, it’s a non-stop barrage of candy and junk food. But my son has already asked me if we’re getting “one of those things where you open the ...
Are you looking for Christmas apps that are both fun and educational? Well, I was and found it nearly impossible to get a good list. So I went digging and found my own. From Christmas social stories ...
One great thing that came out of the 2016 election is that more citizens are engaged in the political process. We’re making great progress as a disability voting bloc. However, not all candidates are ...
When your child has a learning disability, they don’t only have the disability from 8-3 on school days. Right? They have it all the time. Sometimes people just don’t understand how a disability can ...
This question is one that I answer all the time. And mind you, I don’t have an answer for you. But if you’re asking–which is better an IEP or a 504? I can at least help you understand what each will ...
What is the Special Education Referral Process? The special education referral process is the first step in determining if a child qualifies for special education services under IDEA (Individuals with ...
Parents, let’s just put it out there. Sometimes we are so focused on getting our kids’ needs met (and justifiably so!) that we forget that there are two or three other points of view out there. Our ...
One of the most frustrating parts of my job as an advocate is knowing or remembering the little detaily things about special education laws for the various states. I actually live in the little corner ...
I can’t believe I haven’t tackled this topic before. Well, ok, I can. It’s an IEP subject area that is incredibly complex. It also is one that affects our kids day-to-day the most, and in my opinion, ...