This is the background story of a sinister plot to use AI computing as a method of single murders & wholesale population ...
International Law: “Duty to act the instant that the state learns of, or should normally have learned of, the existence of a serious risk that genocide will be committed.” ICJ Photo: The need to ...
A report by Jerusalem-based investigative journalists published in +972 magazine finds that AI targeting systems have played a key role in identifying – and potentially misidentifying – tens of ...
“Security Fence” and settlement in the West Bank. Photo credit: Jacob Rask from Alingsås, Sweden – Flickr. Photo is cropped to format. cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / ...
Please help cure the ignorance about immunization. AntiVaxxers are a serious threat to global health. Please share this information. Text in Image: Endemic smallpox, polio, measles, pertussis & ...
STand up for the rights & safety of women & children.
WARNING: If you found this page because you have been raped you would be better off here to read 11-steps for survivors. This web page contains information about sexual assault forensic evidence ...
Tweet Women's health care is a primary field-level function of RINJ Women. We found that preventing rape, for example, is a never ending dream but caring for survivors is a true reality that is ...
Fighting for the safety of women and children.
STand up for the rights & safety of women & children.
STand up for the rights & safety of women & children.